How to Make Your Bathroom Smell Good

Nobody likes a smelly bathroom, so tackle the odors once and for all. Make your bathroom smell and look beautiful.

Your bathroom might look Pinterest-worthy, but achieving a spa-like scent can be quite a task. A clean, fragrant bathroom can offer a tranquil retreat after a hectic day.

Fragrances can significantly transform a bathroom, so don't hesitate to experiment with new scents. Mix and match until you discover the perfect blend that creates the ambiance you desire. Having years of experience remodeling bathrooms, we're eager to share some tips to help you keep your bathroom smelling great. Here's what you can do.

Clean and Clean Some More

Preventing odors is the best way to keep your bathroom smelling fresh. Clean your bathroom regularly – give it a quick clean every day and a thorough scrub every week. Wipe down your counters, clean your toilet, and dry the shower or bath area daily to prevent a mildew smell.

During your weekly cleaning, scrub the surfaces and fixtures thoroughly and wash the bathmat and towels. Also, use a disinfectant to kill pathogens on surfaces. Regular cleaning will eliminate dirt and debris, keeping your bathroom fresh.

Clean with Baking Soda

Baking soda is an all-natural cleaner that’s used for most cleaning tasks. It eliminates unpleasant smells and introduces a refreshing scent to your bathroom.

Place it in an empty dish or a mason jar and replace it every month. To create a pleasant fragrance, mix a tablespoon of baking soda with a few drops of essential oil in a large spray bottle, fill the bottle with water, and shake well.

Baking soda in a small bowl

Ventilate The Room

A bathroom without proper ventilation can quickly smell stale. Fresh air is crucial because the room tends to accumulate moisture and other unpleasant odors.

Ventilate your bathroom using a fan or a dehumidifier. Also, open your windows for about 10-15 minutes after a shower or bath to get rid of excess moisture. If this isn't possible, run your bathroom fan.

Aromatic air freshner stick in a small glass pot

Use a Diffuser

Place a diffuser behind your toilet, on the back of your sink, or on a stand to create a spa-like ambiance and enrich your bathing experience.

Add essential oils to keep the entire bathroom smelling fresh. A diffuser offers a calm, pleasant-smelling atmosphere. For safety reasons, avoid using an electric diffuser in the bathroom, but a reed diffuser works just as well.

Remove Damp Towels

If your well-ventilated bathroom still smells unpleasant, damp towels might be the culprits. Most people use towels and leave them lying around or hang them on the door hook, expecting them to dry quickly.

Unfortunately, damp, unwashed towels can create a mildewy mess. Always hang damp towels to dry and ensure they are completely dry before folding them. Regular washing is also crucial.

Use Fragrant Soaps

Colourful soap bars

Nothing feels as good as walking into a bathroom that smells like lilacs or fresh roses. Treat yourself to a fragrant body wash. You’ll greatly enjoy bathtime, and your bathroom will smell great throughout the day. Scented bath bombs and bubble baths also create a similar effect. They can evoke an array of emotions and lift spirits.

Add Herbs

Introduce scented herbs into your bathroom, not just any plants. Plant strongly scented herbs like lavender or mint in small planters and place them near a window to prevent the scent from overpowering the room. Lavender can add a pop of color.

You can also beautify the room with a dried herb bouquet for an elegant touch. Hang some dried eucalyptus under your showerhead for a wonderfully fragrant shower, an experience you'd want to recreate time and again.

Use Essential Oils

While essential oils are commonly used with diffusers, you can use them in your bathroom in different ways.

Put the oil in a spray bottle and mix with water for an instant air freshener. You can apply a little oil to your toilet roll or add a few drops to your hand soap, toilet brush, or toilet bowl. But never mix more than 2 scents as they can be overpowering.

Consider getting essential oils that do double duty—add fragrance and prevent bacteria, mold, and mildew.

Eucalyptus, peppermint, lemongrass, and sweet orange are great options. Add these oils to cleaning sprays to keep your bathroom smelling fresh and maintain the highest hygiene levels.

Essential oils in small glass bottles

Get an Odor and Moisture Absorber

An odor and moisture absorber attracts and traps excess moisture to maintain optimal humidity. It works as a room freshener where moisture is an issue. Most use charcoal beads to trap moisture and absorb odor.

An odor and moisture absorber may not be the best product for adding fragrance to a bathroom, but it’s a great solution for a space in need of extra help. Place it behind a basket or tray on your toilet or vanity.

Lavender flowers and sachets

Try a Scent Sachet

Imagine walking into your bathroom, taking a deep breath, and inhaling a scent that smells so good you don’t want to leave.

Scent sachets add long-lasting fragrance as they contain a potpourri mixture or fragranced beads.

They are also small, so you can place them in different spots in your bathroom. And they last incredibly long—up to nine months.

Keep Your Bathroom Smelling Fresh All the Time

Bath Fitter acrylic bathtubs and showers are easy to clean and maintain. To keep your tub or shower looking as good as new, refer to our maintenance and cleaning guide. It provides a list of approved products for cleaning your Bath Fitter remodel.

Mid century bathroom

The toilet, being the main feature, can contribute to various unpleasant smells. Fortunately, you can employ several tricks and fragrances to keep your bathroom smelling pleasant throughout the day and year.

Use Bath Fitter's easy but effective tips to maintain a refreshing bathroom ambiance. Your bathroom should be a space for relaxation, not an area that induces headaches. For more bathroom fixes and tricks, continue reading our blog.